• USA Football recently reported on the Zackery Lystedt Law, three years later.  The law is now in 36 states (Hawaii and Florida recently passed) and the District of Columbia.

    On May 14, 2009, Washington State Governor Christine Georgoire signed the first-in-the-nation law protecting youth athletes and concussion by removing them from a game or practice after a concussion and requiring medical clearance by a licensed healthcare provider.  Since that day, The Lystedt Family made it their mission that youth sports and concussions laws are passed in every state.  Richard H. Adler as part of the Brain Injury Association of Washington has worked with many other coalition partners, including Stan Herring, MD (UW Medicine/Seattle Seahawks Team Physician), over the last three years have with countless Monday lunch phone conferences, presentations, and traveling to deliver the message, “prevent preventable injuries for youth athletes.  when in doubt, sit them out.”


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