
  • Prior Authorization from Health Insurers

    Prior Authorization from Health Insurers

    Patients and providers in Washington State recently won an important victory against health insurance companies, by reducing a frustrating and time-consuming restriction when accessing needed medical care.  This victory is in the form of legislation…

  • The Emerging Privacy Invasion from the Insurance Industry

    The Emerging Privacy Invasion from the Insurance Industry

    The auto insurance industry have begun implementing programs to provide more personalized quotes based on the actual driving habits of consumers through the use of auto tracking devices.  And some insurance companies are offering consumers…

  • Runaway Juries and Frivolous Lawsuits

    Runaway Juries and Frivolous Lawsuits

    Proponents of tort reform and mandatory caps on damage awards (insurance companies and their lobbyists) frequently claim that the civil justice system in the United States is broken as a result of abuse by individuals…

  • The Ten Worst Insurance Companies in America

    The Ten Worst Insurance Companies in America

    In July 2008, the American Association of Justice (AAJ) named “the ten worst insurance companies in America.” The criteria employed to be awarded this dubious honor was an exhaustive study of the number and nature…