TBI Terms

  • Spontaneous recovery

    Spontaneous recovery

    The recovery that occurs as damage to body tissue heals. This type of recovery occurs with or without rehabilitation and it is very difficult to know how much improvement is spontaneous and how much is…

  • Spasticity


    An involuntary increase in muscle tone (tension) that occurs following injury to the brain or spinal cord, causing the muscles to resist being moved. Characteristics may include increase in deep tendon reflexes, resistance to passive…

  • Skull fracture

    Skull fracture

    The breaking of bones surrounding the brain. A depressed skull fracture is one in which the broken bone exerts pressure on the brain. 

  • Shunt


    A procedure to draw off excessive fluid in the brain. A surgically placed tube running from the ventricles which deposits fluid into either the abdominal cavity, heart or large veins of the neck.

  • Sequencing


    Reading, listening, expressing thoughts, describing events or contracting muscles in an orderly and meaningful manner.

  • Sensory stimulation

    Sensory stimulation

    Arousing the brain through any of the senses.

  • Sensation


    Feeling stimuli which activate sensory organs of the body, such as touch, temperature, pressure or pain. Also seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting.

  • Seizure


    An uncontrolled discharge of nerve cells which may spread to other cells nearby or throughout the entire brain. It usually lasts only a few minutes. It may be associated with loss of consciousness, loss of…

  • Retrograde amnesia

    Retrograde amnesia

    Inability to recall events prior to the accident; it may be a specific span of time or type of information.

  • Respite Care

    Respite Care

    A means for taking over the care of a person temporarily (for a few hours to a few days) to provide a period of relief for the primary caregiver.