Legal Terms

  • Voir dire

    Voir dire

    The process by which jurors are selected through questioning by the attorneys and by the judge, to determine if they are fit to serve in a particular case.  A pool of prospective jurors are asked…

  • Vicarious liability

    Vicarious liability

    Liability imposed under law for the negligence of another; e.g., an employer can be held liable for the negligent acts of its employees while in the course of their employment.

  • Verdict


    The final decision or finding by a jury on the factual issues of a case which is then accepted by the court and becomes a judgment.

  • Venue


    The appropriate place for a lawsuit where the court will have jurisdiction over the parties and the claims.  In personal injury cases, the Plaintiff may sue the Defendant in the county where the Defendant resides,…

  • Vacate


    A motion brought before a judge to set aside an Order or Judgment.

  • Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage

    Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage

    The clause in an auto insurance contract that provides benefits when the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured.  UM/UIM coverage is mandatory in the State of Washington but may be rejected in writing by an…

  • Umbrella policy

    Umbrella policy

    An excess layer of insurance that provides coverage for large exposure in excess of the underlying policy limits.

  • Trier of fact

    Trier of fact

    The decision maker who will hear the evidence and decide the factual issues in a claim.  This can be an arbitrator at a hearing, or a judge or jury at trial.

  • Trial de novo

    Trial de novo

    Means “new trial.”  In mandatory arbitration, after the parties receive the award or decision, a party not satisfied with the award may appeal by filing a request for a trial with the Superior Court.  The…

  • Trial court

    Trial court

    The court where the matter at issue is heard and decided by the judge or jury. In Washington State there are several levels of trial court with the power to determine different types and sizes…