Medical Terms

  • Zygapophyseal joint

    Zygapophyseal joint

    Same as facet joint.

  • Zygapophyseal


    Of or pertaining to the facet joints.

  • Z-joint


    An acronym for zygapophyseal joint.

  • Yergason’s test

    Yergason’s test

    This is a clinical exam used to evaluate for inflammation of the biceps tendon (called biceps tendonitis). To perform the test, the patient’s elbow is bent to 90 degrees with the thumb up. The examiner…

  • Yeoman’s test

    Yeoman’s test

    A clinical exam test to determine if a person has SI (sacro-iliac) joint pain. To perform the test, the patient lies on their stomach.  The examiner uses one hand to stabilize the pelvis while the…

  • Work hardening program

    Work hardening program

    A rehabilitation program involving gradually progressive work-related activities performed with good body mechanics in an attempt to prepare that person to return to work.

  • WNL


    An acronym for “within normal limits.”

  • Whiplash injury

    Whiplash injury

    A sprain or strain syndrome of the cervical spine caused by a hyperextension-hyperflexion or acceleration – deceleration injury. This most commonly occurs in car collisions.

  • Waddell’s test

    Waddell’s test

    A series of five tests to assess whether a patient is faking or exaggerating their pain responses. Three of five must be positive for the test to be significant.

  • V sign

    V sign

    A radiographic sign seen on a lateral x-ray view which may represent a torn or stretched transverse ligament.